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pressure equation中文是什么意思

用"pressure equation"造句"pressure equation"怎么读"pressure equation" in a sentence


  • 压力方程


  • Vapor pressure equation
  • On - line measurement system for gas flux in the pipeline based on vapour pressure equation
  • In order to satisfy the continuity constraint and ensure the smoothness of pressure field , an optimum way to derive a discrete pressure equation is used
  • Miscible compressible displacement in a porous media is modelled by a nonlinear coupled system of two parabolic equations : the pressure equation and the concentration equation
  • Abstract : based on the analysis of the pressure equation of filling flow in injection molding , finite - element method is employed to solve the transient pressure field with moving free form boundary
  • Of the three technical processes of the one without pressure equation , the one with pressure equation at the inlet and the one with pressure equation at the outlet , the last one has a low power consumption and thus is effective
  • Chapter 4 : there are a summary of two methods used in this thesis , together with the further work , a introduction of vlasov equation and its moment equations , i . e . , the continuity equation , the force equation and the pressure equation , and the ionization and recombination associated with the laser propagation in media
    第四章:本章主要是在总结了两种方法的基础上提出进一步可以做的工作,介绍了等离子体动力论中的vlasov方程及它的三个矩方程(连续性方程、力方程和压强方程) ,以及强激光在介质中传输涉及到的电离和复合机制。
  • Based on the reynolds " lubrication approximation , and utilizing the small parameter method , the velocity and the pressure equations for two spheres translating normally and tangentially with an interstitial second - order fluid are derived for modeling wet granular assembles using the discrete element method . as a result , analytical solution for the tangential force and the torque were obtained
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